The Ladies

A few female 3D artists have been crafting beautiful pieces at Brick Visual since the beginning, when there were just about a dozen of us all in all. A pleasant ray of diversity in an otherwise still very male dominated industry. How delightful and encouraging it has been to experience the upswing over the past couple years, from a handful of female artists’ applications annually, to now being almost as regular as their male counterparts. 24% to be very precise, of the production workforce in our studios today. And no matter how insignificant this positive change is to the actual product created, just the sheer pleasantness of a more varied and colorful landscape of individuals, beyond all the nationalities represented, makes the workplace that much brighter.

  • Federica Coccia
  • Ainur Abdilmanova
  • Sara Omran
  • Cibele Medeiros
  • Ekaterina Domracheva
  • Barbara Frits

We’ve asked some of these talented 3D artists to indulge us with some samples of their artistry from after the regular working hours. Personal projects pursued, studies, competitions and challenges. In general, the tendency seems to be, that unlike many of our male colleagues who participate in all kinds of creative 3D activities on their spare time, the ladies rather seem to try a more healthy balance between the PC screen and life beyond!

Take a look at some of the work shared by these talented artists, some more established, some still at the early stages of promising paths, but nevertheless, all valuable and loved members of the Brick community!


Federica Coccia

Fifi has been creating her magic at Brick Visual in Budapest for about half a decade. Stills or animation, bring it on, always ready to contribute with excepitonal ideas, emotional subjects and an overall superb sense for constructing great visuals.

“These studies aim to express a movement of change
and realizations conveyed through the color orange.”


“The grass is always greener on the other side…”

Ainur Abdilmanova

Ainur is a 3D artist from Almaty in southern Kazakhstan, who found her position with us after attending the Brick Academy. One of many talented artists with a good foundation to be built further upon, in the right environment to nourish her skills.

Frozen Time

Umit Uzbe


Sara Omran

Sara joined one of the animation teams at Brick in late 2022, from Cairo, Egypt as did so many of her fellow countrymen before. Besides taking part in creating beautiful shots and sequences for our animation projects, she also keeps polishing her skills with personal 3D projects, as well as painting aquarelles.

“Inspired by a trip I had to Italy, I was exploring the combination of the green,
complex nature and rough stone landscape, playing with the sun rays shining through the shadow.
I wanted to achieve this exact feeling I had when I was there.”


Cibele Medeiros

Cibele changed the scenery from Campina Grande in the northeast of Brazil, also by polishing her skills at the Academy, with a performance that earned her the offer of a position here at the studio. The images presented here were created by Cibele at the Academy, and we’re very glad to have her on board!

Cibele Academy exercise 1.

Cibele Academy exercise 2.


Ekaterina Domracheva

Katie from Russia also found the path to us leading through an Image Generalist course back in 2022. Her cool images below were created while attending the Academy, four weeks of mind-expanding challenges eventually resulting in a now Senior 3D Artist position with us.

Ekaterina Academy exercise 1.

Ekaterina Academy exercise 2.


Barbara Frits

Barbi is a Hungarian native, one of those naturals who weren’t totally aware of the talent they possess, until it all just came pouring out. For this creative force to be harnessed, she also took her first steps in the major leagues through the Academy, after which her emerging career as a 3D artist was the obvious choice. We’re very glad and fortunate for our paths to have crossed from the first steps.

Barbara Academy exercise 1.

Barbara Academy exercise 2.


Artists, architects, bikers, martial artists, dancers, rebels, mothers, animal lovers, all the colors of the rainbow.

All are invited and many have already arrived!
We encourage and welcome you all to bravely take the step, and become the best that you can be, amongst many other like-minded and passionate high-end artists at the top of the industry! We’re certainly here to offer a platform, and all the guidance and mentorship that it takes!

We welcome you to visit earlier Art of Brick articles presenting the talents behind the scenes, and to also drop by the Academy for a visit!

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