Introducing Brick’s Employee Shareholder Program

At Brick, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration and recognize that success is the result of collective efforts. With great excitement, we announce the launch of our Employee Shareholder Program, a significant milestone in fostering unity, commitment, and a shared purpose within our organization.
It has been a long-standing dream of Brick’s Founder and CEO, András Káldos, to establish a program that allows employees to become shareholders of the company. The realization of this dream required several years of dedicated effort and bureaucratic arrangements to overcome various obstacles and establish the necessary foundation for the program. A sincere gratitude is extended to EXP Group, Brick’s valued shareholder, for their support in making this initiative a reality.
This program is a testament to our appreciation for our long-serving employees and the key individuals who have consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication to the growth of Brick. We are thrilled to provide them with the opportunity to purchase shares in our company, inviting them to actively contribute their ideas and insights to shape the future of Brick.
We created a Shareholder Appreciation Certificate for our new shareholders
While the potential for financial rewards is an enticing aspect of the program, our vision extends beyond that. We aim to cultivate a sense of ownership and belonging among our employees, allowing them to feel truly connected to our mission.
As we move forward, we envision expanding our group of shareholders to include more like-minded creatives who have made significant contributions to Brick’s success. By involving more colleagues in our Employee Shareholder Program, we aim to foster a strong sense of partnership and collaboration, further fueling our creative endeavors.
We are excited about this new chapter and the positive impact it will have on our community!
Congratulations to our new shareholders:
Ciprian Cosmin Colda, CEO of Brick Cluj, Creative Director
Attila Deák, Creative Director
Zsolt Eke, Lead 3D Artist
Zoltán Gájász, Chief of Finance
Péter Horváth, Lead 3D Artist
Gergely Kis, Chief Operations Officer
István Lovák, Head of Brick Academy
Zsombor Lukács, Lead Specialist
André Alves Machado, Creative Director
Gyula Maróti, Lead Specialist
Dániel Régi, Creative Director
Nimród László Szabó, Chief Information Officer
Márton Zoltán Tóth, Chief Creative Director